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canada goose The officer who used the spray later throws a stick towards the animal and leaves. The police officer actions were met with backlash from animal rights groups and on social media. RSPCA ACT chief executive Tammy Ven Dange said last week the behaviour was “inexcusable” and it didn look like the police officer had acted appropriately.”It doesn’t presume guilt, and nor does it presume the conclusions of the investigation, but it was just something we thought was operationally necessary,” he said.”The investigation is being expedited so we’re going to do it as quickly as we possibly can and then work through what we’re going to do after the findings of that investigation are known,” Chief Police Officer Lammers said.The man will work in a different ACT Policing department until the investigation is completed.Mr Storay’s lawyer, Peter Woodhouse, welcomed the news but said the officer should have been stood down, pending the investigation, as soon as the complaint was lodged.”It has taken the considerable media coverage and public outcry to shame the AFP into acting,” he said.Mr Woodhouse said he hoped the widespread public outcry over the incident prompted the AFP to act ”swiftly and forcefully”.”The people have spoken they won’t tolerate this type of jack booted, bully boy behaviour from their police officers who are, after all, public servants.”Chief Police Officer Lammers said it was ”far too early to tell” whether criminal charges would be laid against the officer.”I wouldn’t want to second guess anything that’s recommended after the investigation’s complete,” he said.He said police had not reviewed procedures, or raised the matter of professional standards with officers following the incident.”We already have very sound guidelines in place for the way in which our officers should behave canada goose.